Tuesday 1 October 2024

Road to LA2028 - Update One - It's a Start

 Apologies for the delay in getting this first update to you.  I am now eight weeks into this latest reset.  It hasn't gone brilliantly, I would give it 4.5 out of 10, but we are moving.  22 runs completed in 53 days, so just shy of 3 runs a week.  It isn't the four I originally planned but there is some consistency.  I am struggling to find the gaps in my life to run.  I generally have three, Thursday evening while the girls are at performance team, Saturday lunchtime with the girls at dance and Sunday morning when they have gymnastics.  I just need to find myself that fourth spot, and that will be my aim in October.

In addition to finding gaps, the gaps I do have are a little on the short side.  Each of them are about an hour in length, which limits me on the long run.  Lauren and I appear to have engineered a bigger space for me.  So 8am - 11am Saturday morning should be the long run slot but not this weekend as that is the girls 7th birthday.

In those 22 runs I have travelled for approaching 15 hours and covered 92.1 miles, averaging just over 4 miles a run.  I say run, each of my runs still contains some element of walking.  I am making a real conscious effort to regulate the walk breaks and am stopping my Garmin each time, and so I have really good data on my run speed and walk speed as well as the time I am spending doing each of them.

My longest run came this Sunday when I ran for 90 minutes and covered nearly 9 miles.  The majority of the run was 4 minutes running and 1 minute walking, but that turned into more 3 minutes run / 2 minutes walk for the last 20 minutes or so.  Most of my runs I am aiming to run 80% and walk 20% but on my longer runs that is lower.  This Sunday it was 75% run, and in my only other hour plus run, I ran as little as 60% of it.

In addition to monitoring the run/walk split and paces, I have also been looking at my heart-rate.  Given the readings, I am happy that I do still require the walk breaks.  I recently did a 5 mile time trial, and despite having some short walk breaks my average HR was 166.  The majority of my runs average in the 150-159 HR zone, with the remaining runs in the more intense 160-169 range.  Given my estimated maximum heart rate of 180, every run has been 80% plus, and so far too intense.

I am rather bumbling around at the minute with the heart rate data, it isn't a tool I have used previously.  I am currently just monitoring it, but when I get fitter I will use it to ensure that the intensity of each session is where I want it to be.  My current fitness level means I just don't have the range of efforts, everything is just hard work.

I am signed up for the Yorkshire Marathon on the 20th October, I don't think I will be attending it.  I fear it will be another Milton Keynes slugfest, and by completing Milton Keynes I have proven I can do it.   This race is a 4 hour drive each way, potentially an overnight stay, it is just lots more effort.  I may be inspired and do it, but I think the most likely outcome is a DNS.  

I have just signed up to the Stratford-upon-Avon marathon next April.  It is the same day as the London marathon.  It is a race I have done before, both the full and half marathon and is one I enjoy.  I will look to start a proper 17 week training plan beginning 1st January, and until then I am just trying to lay down a base from which to build on in 2025.

Despite the 4.5/10 rating I gave myself I am still pleased with the start I have made.  I have now run 289 miles in 2024, the most of any year since 2017.  I have also beaten my monthly totals.  54 miles in September was the most in September since 2019, the same with August.  If I can manage to run just 50 miles a month for the remaining three months of 2024, I will finish with something like 450 miles which would be more than the combined miles I have run in the last 4 years.  The bar is obviously incredibly low given how little I have run since having the girls, but a win's a win.  I will look to provide you with another update at the end of October.

Sunday 18 August 2024

The Road to LA 2028

For those following me on Strava or Fetch, you may have noticed my runs beginning with a number followed by R2LA28. This is to do with my latest run reset. It stands for Road to Los Angeles 2028. I fully embraced the Olympics, as I do every four years, and I wanted a plan to motivate my running moving forwards. 

My R2LA28 in no way means that I have my heart set on an improbable uplift in my performance worthy of a spot on Team GB in time for 2028. Instead I am just using those Olympics as a timetable for me, to get my butt into gear. 

I am now 40, and will soon be getting into last chance territory for ever beating my existing PB's. Four years seems an excessively long-time scale, but given my personal worst marathon time of 5:23:24 set in May this year, and my hour 10km in the Newmarket 10k in July, there is clearly considerable work to do. 

If you are going to set goals, they might as well be real stretch goals, I have thus gone well beyond a nice new set of PB's, and instead am targeting a range of PB's based around a sub 3 hour marathon. Here is a run down of the targets, along with my current PB's. 

5k - Target 18:59 - Current PB - 19:21 (Set 2011) - Time required 22 seconds 
5 Miles - Target 30:59 - Current PB - 35:08 (Set 2016) - Time required 4 mins 9 seconds 
10k - Target - 38:59 - Current PB - 41:44 (Set 2015) - Time required 2 minutes 45 seconds 
10 Miles - Target - 64:59 - Current PB - 1:10:39 (Set 2017) - Time required 5 minutes 40 seconds 
HM - Target 1:26:59 - Current PB - 1:30:05 (Set 2011) - Time required 3 minutes 6 seconds 
15 Miles - Target 1:39:59 - Current PB - 2:06:41 (Set 2011) - Time required 26 minutes 42 seconds 
20 Miles - Target 2:14:59 - Current PB - 2:36:24 (Set 2017) - Time required 21 minutes 25 seconds Marathon - Target 2:59:59 - Current PB - 3:34:28 (Set 2011) - Time required 34 minutes 29 seconds 

You're crazy, you're wasting your time, you don't have a chance, maybe some of your responses. I hear and understand your reservations. I am now 40 years old, I am carrying somewhere in the region of 4-5 stone more than my lightest race weight, many of these PB's are 13 years old. If it was easy, everyone would do it. 

All I would say is I need to embrace my inner American. Reserved, modest, realist Brit is not going to cut it. We are going to have to go full, chase your dream, if you can imagine it you can do it, over confident, back yourself yank. 

I was once told that people don't change, you reach adulthood and you are who you are. I have grudgingly come to accept that it wasn't so far off the mark as the years have passed. 

I now have to throw that in the bin, and believe that a leopard can change its spots. Where once I wouldn't give my full effort, where I would shirk the long runs, I am now a changed man and will pursue each run with gusto. 

So now we have outlined that I am going to have a complete personality and attitude shift from the previous fifteen years of available evidence, let us now move onto the specifics of the plan. 

One final point regarding the existing PB's. Those going back to 2011 may look less promising, but I was in the best running shape of my life as recently as 2017, prior to the arrival of the girls. I set my 20 mile PB then and should have pushed on and set a new Marathon PB shortly thereafter but took my foot off the gas, and it has never gone back on. 

Now to the plan. This will involve me running a minimum of 4 times a week on average over the course of the four years. 4 runs x say 50 weeks x 4 years gets you to 800 runs. We really start to get some momentum and maybe we hit 5 runs a week and then we are talking 1,000 runs before LA 2028 kicks off. Wouldn't that be something. 

Google maps tells me that SoFi Stadium one of the venues for the LA 2028 games is 5,466 miles away. Could we possibly run the equivalent of Rayleigh to LA? Ok, now we are cooking! 

These are all wildly ambitious goals, but that is what I need right now. Something to get my juices flowing, to force my running mojo back into existence. I ran my first R2LA28 run on Friday the 9th August 2024, and have now run 7 times in 10 days, an average of nearly 5 runs a week. I have only covered 25.7 miles (avg 3.67 miles per run) with a longest run of 7km. I have also required walking breaks, with 15% of that longest run, being walked. 

But we have started, and all good things require a start. I will blog monthly to hold myself accountable for chasing these super stretchy targets, come back at the end of August to see how I have got on.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Milton Keynes Marathon - Race Report

To mark my running of the Milton Keynes Marathon this Bank Holiday Monday I thought I would resurrect this blog. I haven't written one since running my 20 Mile PB back in March 2017. A lot has happened in the intervening 7 years. My wife and I have had twin girls, who are rapidly approaching their seventh birthdays, and they have taken up lots of my time when not working or blogging about sport. Thus running has very much taken a back seat. I have run somewhere in the region of 750 miles in the near 7 years since the girls were born. For comparison, that is less than any singular year between 2010 and 2016 when I was running regularly.

I have raced very little since the autumn of 2017, the occasional parkrun, the Newmarket 10k most summers, a brutal couple of undertrained half marathons and a slog around the Essex 20 in over 4 hours. Milton Keynes was thus my first marathon post children. Yes, for the observant among you, I do appreciate as the man I didn't actually birth the girls, but I still think pre and post children helps explain the significant drop off in my performance.

My prep for Milton Keynes was a little better than my previous races but not my much. I had run the occasional 5k in the early months of the year, but managed to kick start something more regular in April, on our holiday to Dubai to see Amy, Col and the girls. I then managed to maintain it on my return, running four or five times a week. These wouldn't be hugely long, in the 5k-10k range with the exception being a 10 miler in a little under 100 minutes with a 4min run/ 1min walk pacing strategy. It all added up to 73 miles in April spread across 17 runs, my highest mileage month since March 2017, admittedly not a very high bar to beat.

I was still keen to do the Marathon, if for no other reason than to get a long run in. It would be my 12th marathon, with my PB set way back in 2011 at Chester when I ran 3:34, my personal worst was set at the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington in 2014 when I ran 4:40. On that occasion I was coming back from an injury so hadn't run much in the buildup. I did a 20km run just prior to the race and ran it at just over 9-minute miling, and so felt able to complete the marathon. I ran the first half well, before blowing up in some style in the second half.

Leading up to Milton Keynes I was mulling over what I was capable of, and you start having silly thoughts. I suddenly started thinking 4:30-4:40 was on. 10-minute miles gets me to 4:20 and builds in a little fade near the end. With hindsight, and after reviewing the Washington race it is clear those Milton Keynes targets were wildly ambitious. My 10-mile run/walk tester was hard work, it wasn't as if I had done it finishing full of beans and like I had another 2 or 3 hours in me.

I am now well into this blog about the Milton Keynes marathon, and we haven't even reached Milton Keynes. Let's get to it. I was solo for the marathon, with Lauren and the girls finding much better ways to spend their Bank Holiday Monday. They went for breakfast, played a game of bowling, and did a bit of shopping before heading to my parents for lunch. I on the other hand woke at 5am, had a quick breakfast and shower before getting on the road by 5:40. The roads were quiet at that time, and I got to the start at the MK Dons stadium by half 7. Given it was a football stadium geared up for big events it handled the marathon well. The only downside being a lack of toilet facilities being open, which is never good with thousands of nervous, overhydrated runners. I grabbed my number and then headed towards the start area. I spotted a McDonald's and knew that would be my first stop, post-race. I was a little keen as there was still an hour until the 9am start. I found myself a quiet spot and waited until we were called to our start areas.

I was hoping to see my friend Pete, but we managed to miss each other. I knew if I didn't see him at the start that I wouldn't see him all race. He was targeting sub 3 hours, whilst I was looking for sub-5. There were four sections red, yellow, green, and blue. I was in yellow, obviously a little optimistic when putting in my estimated finish time upon signing up. I still seemed to end up near the back and didn't get to start until half 9. It was a minor frustration, but I was keen to put all my energy into forward movement and not worrying about outside things.

When I finally got over the start line the roads were crowded, the half marathon was running alongside the full marathon. I enjoyed the atmosphere that bought, but it did mean that my 4-minute run/ 1 minute walk strategy was out the window. The crowds of runners were so thick that I decided to just keep running but at a steady pace, moving through the field as gaps emerged. I had completed two miles at a steady 10-minute miling before I took my first walk recovery on a slight uphill. That became my strategy early on. Take it steady when running, and if I felt in need of a breather then be sure to take it on an upslope. This worked really well, and I made it through 9 miles in 91:32 so about 10:10 per mile on average. Miles 8 and 9 were a little slower, more like 10:30's and so it was no surprise that come the 10th mile the walk breaks were starting to lengthen. Where I had good discipline in those early stages it was now starting to wane. I now whatsapped the family saying that the run/walk structure had gone, and the splits bear that out.

Before I continue with the nitty gritty of splits and the running, I thought I would look at some of the characters I saw on my travels. There was the chatty, chipper Welsh lady. She was having a great time and chatting with everyone. There were the two dubious looking gentlemen offering lube, an offer I politely declined. The crowds were really good around the course, and I happily accepted several offers of gummy bears and jelly babies. My race number had my name on it, so there were lots of 'Go Simon' etc which really helped. My favorite crowd contribution was when a woman saw me on my phone and said, "Got to keep up with the socials Simon." I had been texting Lauren and the family WhatsApp group with my progress. It did make me smile though. The only blemish on my day was some unsolicited advice from a fellow runner, telling me I shouldn't be walking. My advice to him, keep your views to yourself.

Back to the running we were now in the to and fro section. Still trying to fight the urge to walk. The middle 7 miles in 87 minutes and so we are now in the 12:30 min/mile kind of area. By now the half marathon runners are finished and heading home, leaving us marathoners to our second lap. Much of the route was the same for both races but there was a section by the canal that only the full marathon runners did. I didn't enjoy that quite so much. As I tired, my strategy was effectively to run the downhills and walk the rest, and being by the canal everything was flat, and I was struggling to get running. It was at this stage that the rain started to come. It wasn't heavy and I was very lucky considering the forecast a week out from the race. A properly wet 5 hours out on the course would have made the task all the more challenging.

So, we have had the 9 miles at 10:10 min/miles followed by the 7 miles at 12:30 min/miles which still leaves the 10 miles remaining at 14:30 min/miles. At that stage you know the personal worst is in the bag and you still have a long way to go to McDonald's and home. The crowds are starting to thin and head home after a long day, and with the weather starting to turn. The runners have now really thinned out and at my kind of pace everyone is doing some walking. I was quicker on the downhills and so would catch people up, but they would then move away on the flats and so that yo-yoing would continue for mile after mile.

The marshals were really good at geeing you up and were working hard clearing up the course. I'm sure they were still there an hour or so after I went by. I was continuing to tick off the km's / miles ever so slowly, but at least I knew that the finish was guaranteed. My Garmin was beginning to bleep at me that it was running low on battery. I had been manually splitting it every time I walked or ran and that had the effect of using the battery up faster. It eventually gave up a couple of miles from the end. I was most upset about the lost steps; I had promised Lauren a 50,000-step day.

I managed to log the last couple of miles on my phone, and for most of those final two miles it was very much business as usual. Lots of walking with the occasional burst of running. I had saved enough energy for the final 500 metres. I managed to get going on the run into the stadium, I reached the 26 mile marker and so knew there was only 300 or so metres left, I ran well around the outside of the pitch, it must have only been 8:30 - 09:00 min miles but it felt like flying compared to the trudge of the last 3 hours. I went through the line, relieved to have completed it. I was given my medal and grabbed an alcohol-free beer and my t-shirt before heading for that long overdue McDonald's.

Once in the car I got to work on the food. 5 Chicken Selects were had before I set off. Then two cheeseburgers, two cans of diet coke, two bottles of water, two caramel bars and a packet of ready salted crisps in the near three hours it took to get home with all the traffic. I think I made a pretty good dent in the 3,000 or so calories that I expended on the marathon. Aside from the traffic it was an uneventful drive home, no signs of the cramp that I feared might appear.

My feelings on the marathon are all very positive. A personal worst by nearly 45 minutes wouldn't normally elicit those types of feelings, but I wasn't just under trained, I was barely trained. I did also mistime my blood donating, as I gave my pint of blood 6 days before the race. In the end I think I ran for a little over 2 hours and walked for a little over 3 hours, but I got it done. You have something not quite right in your head to spend 12 hours of your Bank Holiday Monday driving to and from a race, to find out what you already know, that you aren't currently very fit. It is definitely the start of something. I have my 24-hour race in July and another marathon already booked in October. I hope to be in far better shape for the Yorkshire Marathon on the 20th October, and maybe after that we can outline some of my goals for 2025 and beyond. For now, I will enjoy the feeling of transporting myself 26.2 miles under my own steam at the Milton Keynes Marathon.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Essex 20 2017 - PB Season

The lead up to the Essex 20 wasn't perfect. I had enjoyed a lazy couple of weeks in the build up and after going 99 planned runs to 99 completed I managed to miss 4 in 3 weeks. My Saturday prior to the race wasn't textbook, lots of standing and waiting in line to see Princess Diana's dresses (not my choice!) and walking around Hyde Park, much more my scene, but still more energy expended than ideal. I rounded it off with my choice of dinner a steak and chips with a beer. I would have loved a plate of pasta but we were in a French restaurant not an Italian. Well it's a formula I might look to repeat, as my Essex 20 went well.

I decided to treat Lauren to a lie in and lazy Sunday, so got in the car and drove myself to a friend Charlotte's who was racing and she gave me and a couple of her fellow Whitham Runners a lift to the race. We arrived to some horrible weather, heavy rain and breezy. I was imaging 2.5 hours in that and it wasn't a pretty picture. Thankfully by the time we began the rain had eased slightly and the wind had dropped, the weather improved as the race went on, we really were so lucky.

I was looking to get a PB, my existing one was 2:38:51. 2:40 is 8 minute miles or 5 min km's and so I was using that as my upper split. The course is undulating and so even splitting isn't possible, the race begins with some nice flat and downhill and the priority is to hold back as much as you can. I tried my hardest to do this. I will look at this race in blocks, so here is the first lap:

1)7:33 (18seconds up on PB)
2)7:26 (27 seconds up on PB. 45 total)
3)8:07 (21 seconds up on PB. 1:06)
4)7:40 (18 seconds up on PB. 1:24)
5)7:39 (21 seconds up on PB. 1:45)
6)7:39 (12 seconds up on PB. 1:57)
7)7:31 (23 seconds up on PB. 2:20)

Mile 3 had the most significant climb in it, but the pattern throughout was of around 20 seconds a mile up on PB. I was feeling good, the rain was easing off and I was running well. I really enjoy the quiet roads, it's very similar to Great Bentley Half Marathon and suits me a lot better than a crowded city races, especially over the longer distances where I want to keep it steady.

8)7:36 (32 seconds up on PB.2:52)
9)7:37 ( 10 seconds up on PB.3:02)
10)8:09 (19 seconds up on PB.3:21)
11)7:49 ( 13 seconds up on PB.3:34)
12)7:53 ( 5 seconds down on PB.3:29)
13)7:47 ( 10 seconds up on PB.3:39)
14)7:50 ( 6 seconds down on PB.3:33)
15)7:46 ( Same as PB.3:33)

This section is lap 2 plus a decent part of the final lap. The second lap went well I was putting time in the bank and the miles or in my case Km's were ticking by. I was beginning to struggle though, particularly as the 3rd lap began. As you can see my time cushion was going up steadily all the way to mile 11. Miles 12-15 went one way and then the other but the net effect was basically nil. I was hanging on in there, and still had one more go up the big climb.

16)8:31 (29 seconds down on PB.3:04)
17)8:09 (18 seconds down on PB.2.46)
18)8:14 (12 seconds down on PB.2:34)
19)8:15 (19 seconds down on PB.2:15)
20)7:13 (11 seconds up on PB. 2:26)

The final five miles were an absolute drag, I was hanging on for dear life. My hamstrings were both really tight and restricting my running style. My form was shot and I was using my back, hamstrings any muscle group to get myself to the finish as quickly as possible. That 16 mile split includes the hill and I was moving so slowly near the top that I decided to walk for 15-20 seconds to get my breath back and to get myself mentally right for the final half hour. It was an absolute trudge, I only got taken over by a handful of runners but I was working really hard to keep the km splits to low 5 minutes. I felt I still had enough time in the bank to give myself a PB, but the thoughts of 2:35 had long gone, I knew if I kept moving the PB would be mine.

I really do enjoy this course and the lapped element. When I was slogging it out it was good to see familiar landmarks and know exactly what I still had to come. The sparse crowds of much of the course then get thicker near the start/finish area and I found my final reserves for a good last km. A guy who was struggling managed to get himself going with the finish in sight and he just pipped me on the line, I wasn't particularly racing him, I just wanted the race done and the PB secured.

I was absolutely spent over the line and found a bench to park my bum, I then got back to the finish in time to see Charlotte bringing it home and on fine form. It was her first 20 mile race and she was more than 5 minutes quicker than her target time. A good day all round, the cherry on the top was the mud that Charlotte managed to splatter up some poor runners car as we excited the field. They took it in very good fashion and even helped me with the push. This was another good race for me, I'm really pleased to continue to tidy up my PB's but my lack of long runs showed in my poor final quarter and that doesn't bode well for the Marathon. I have one more good long run planned as well as some more races before Brighton, if the PB doesn't happen at Brighton I fully expect it to go at Stratford a month later.

Sunday 19 February 2017

Test Track 10 - Much More My Style

After my downbeat blog after last weeks Saltburn Half Marathon I am very happy to report much better times at the Test Track 10. This is a local race, one I haven't done previously, it's at the Ford centre and is around the test tracks and surrounding support roads. There is quite a bit using the banking, think a cycling velodrome, but we ran along the bottom so it wasn't too steep, there was the occasional incline, one of which was pretty brutal, but it was generally flat and the weather was not far from perfect, a little wind but nothing too great, all in all my kind of event.

Lauren and I got there just after half 8, an hour before the race start, lots of parking, race start very close by, so we could relax in the car before getting out for the race. I managed to drop and then lose one of my safety pins and so had to go for the three pin formation. The number did stay on this time though, unlike at Saltburn last week. I also managed to get GPS signal and get my heart rate monitor working before the go. I decided to skip the warm up, aerobics and co-ordination really aren't my specialism. We lined up and I was in the second row and we were off. It was fun to be in the front group, maybe in 10th and it wasn't for 100 metres but probably the first 500 metres before I decided this was far too fast for me so eased back. I haven't felt in a race like that, probably since me and Luke nearly lead into the first corner at Bromley parkrun.

I went through the first Kilometre in 4:08 my pre race target had been 4:30-4:40 (1:12 - 1:15 finish time)I felt good and was keen to get some time in the bank. My 10 Mile PB was 1:12:05 and so 4:30's were really the top end of where I wanted to be. The km's ticked on 4:12, 4:19, I was working hard and got to see Lauren. The looped nature of the course meant I got to see lots of Lauren over the 10 miles, it was a really nice little pick me up every 2 or 3 miles. 4:15, 4:18, 4:15 got me through 6km's just over 90 seconds up on 4:30 pace, probably a little too much, but I like to race hard. There were runners around me throughout the race, maybe not right on my shoulder but definitely close by, a nice change from the lonely desolate run along the cliffs last week.

I looked down at my watch half way through the 7th kilometre and realised the early pace had gone, and we were in my regular mid-race holding pattern. 4:30 now became the target pace in the hopes the time in the bank from that early burst would be protected. 4:32, 4:36, 4:25, 4:29, 4:31, 4:33, 4:31, 4:34 gets us to 14km. All look nicely paced, slightly different profiles and some wind with some wind against. What those splits don't show is I was working really hard, particularly the one decent incline on the course as you came down towards the finishing straight you turned right and round one of the banked sections. It was steep and both times I ran it, my body was screaming to have a walk up it, but I managed to keep turning my legs over and running it. Once you reached the top there was a nice downhill section then onto the finish straight which let me recover. As I went past the start/finish line with 2km to go I felt the beginnings of a stitch, and where I had been smiling and waving at Lauren each time I saw her, at this point I was really grimacing. I felt if I could just hold it together a PB should be on, but if I started to fall apart the time I had gained early on would soon evaporate.

The 15th km split was 4:41, I was clinging on, there was another banked section and I took over a couple of back markers, it was hard because you had to go up the banking and work hard to get past them. As I entered the last km and then the final straight I was overtaken by a small group of runners, that was a big help and gave me a little kick to get moving again. I wasn't racing them for position but trying to use them to spur me on for a sprint finish and to ensure the PB. Coming into the finishing chute I knew the PB was mine and as I looked down to stop my Garmin I was well inside 1:11 for the race and a final split of 4:11. The official time has me at 1:10:36 and 35th out of 287 runners a PB by 1 minute 29 seconds! I have worked really hard for the last 5 months and today was the first big dividend. If I can keep working hard, this should be the first of many PB's over the rest of 2017. The only slight blemish on an otherwise perfect race was the negotiation needed to get out of the carpark. The race had quietened down but the Marshalls were keen to keep us penned in for another hour for every last runner to finish. Thankfully they relented and we were safely on our way out and headed home before a cracking Birthday Roast dinner at my parents house.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Lack of Mental Toughness

This is my story of the Saltburn Trail Half Marathon. Now before I begin my sad tale, let me first say the race is brutal, the course is tough, the marshall's and cameramen on the route are made of stern stuff to be out there in the weather we had and to still be cheering us on and supporting us. The organisers have created a course along the coast using public footpaths to really test even the toughest runners. It was enough to almost break me.

I am a fair weather runner, a flat track bully. I like to be out there in mild conditions, on the road, on the flat, not a puff of wind. That is where I enjoy myself, pushing my limits to go as fast as I can without mother nature or the course have too much say on my performance. I have shown in my 3 DNF's from a 100 or so races that I don't handle adversity too well. The Outlaw Iron Distance triathlon Part 2, the Thunder Run 24 and the Berlin Marathon. In any event I do, particularly in difficult conditions or over long distances I need a reason for being there.

In the Outlaw I had done it before, I had failed to train adequately again and couldn't find a reason to slog it out for another 8 hours to get the thing done. At the Thunder Run the heavy rain, the thunder, the lightening I couldn't find a reason to endure another 12 hours of that. At the Berlin Marathon I took the easy option, I had done more than 10 Marathons, I had failed to prepare adequately for this one, and so perhaps quite sensibly decided pulling the pin at halfway was the right option. A good training run done without too much damage to my body.

The Saltburn Trail Half Marathon could very easily have been my fourth DNF, the only things keeping me going were the fact I was raising the money for Sarcoma and not wanting to let Marcus down. The fact that if I did quit I would be cold, wet and in the middle of nowhere did also encourage me to get the thing done. The telephone calls to Lauren and Jan for some moral support were also a huge help to get me to the finish. So today I had my why, my reason to finish.

Even when I do manage to complete in these conditions, I still struggle to perform anywhere near my max, where as my brother Joe got 3 punctures on his first Ironman in appalling conditions he sucked it up and got it done and got it done well. I tend to throw my toys out the pram and once my A goal has gone I struggle to refocus. For this race I didn't particularly have an A goal, it was a race that was at the right time of the year in the right location and so I didn't start in the right mental place. When the weather was 45 mph winds, sleet hammering my face, once I had fallen twice, my recently healed broken bone and sprained wrist throbbing I was not in my happy place, I was a long way from it.

I had fallen on my butt and a guy asked me if I was ok and then told me to get out the way, which really got my back up. I was slip sliding all over the shop in the mud, keen not to fall again, only having eyes for the floor and the path in front of me. I had another guy ask to get past on a narrow section, for me the onus was on those guys to get past me. I had my own issues to worry about like staying upright, I didn't want to be looking over my shoulder and easing aside for every fella who wanted to race in the middle of the pack with me. I got a little rush of adrenaline and decided to go on a little burst and was hurdling brambles and taking over three of the guys who had recently passed me. The rush and anger soon subsided and I eased off, the 2 hours of trudging that still lay ahead of me were at the forefront of my mind.

The women I met on the course were totally different and as I was struggling we had some nice running chats and that kept my legs turning over. One of which I had met at the leisure centre before the start of the race and we then ended up running some of the last mile together which was great. I must have spoken to 3 or 4 guys or girls during the race and they were all having a lovely time, and I think they genuinely were. It just really brought home to me that this type of race isn't what I am about. In all the training goals, mileage targets, pace goals, you sometimes forget that you are actually meant to enjoy it. These cross country, trail races, mudfests, aren't enjoyable to me but cruel and unusual punishment. My race schedule is pretty booked up to October and it is predominantly road races with the one crazy 24 hour race. After that 24 hour race in July it is going to take one hell of a race or for me to have a total change of heart to get me back into these crazy races.

So I think I will leave my tale of Saltburn Half Marathon misery there.

The downsides:

- It was 15 Miles not 13.1 Miles
- There were 45mph winds, rain, sleet, I don't think there was snow.
- Mud, so much mud.
- Two falls.

The upsides:
- The donations that came in before I raced and since, they've brought home why I did it.
- I got it done. In just about 3 hours. Think the official time will have me just over.
- The phonecalls with Lauren, I would have been completely at a loss without them.
- The race schedule is now free of these crazy races.

Sorry for the downhearted race report. I am still on for a good mileage month in February it's my birthday Thursday and I have a nice flat 10 mile race round a race track on Sunday. I just need to hang in there for 2 or 3 more months and all being well should have a PB or two to my name and be in good shape to tackle my other PB's in the 2nd half of the year. I was one of the only half Marathon runners with my bare legs out and I'm sure Marcus would have been pleased I was part of the still in shorts brigade. Come back next week for a more upbeat blog.

Thursday 2 February 2017

January 2017 - Challenge Update

I am now into my 19th training week post Berlin Marathon fiasco, but only one month into my 2017 challenge. The base built in the last quarter of 2016 is yet to be truly tested. The mudfest that was the Benfleet 15 wasn't really the place. I have a busy race schedule coming up, a parkrun at my PB course of Albert Park in Middlesbrough, followed the next day by a trail half marathon, my birthday in the middle and then a local 10 mile race the following Sunday. All exciting and a couple of chances to really gauge where my fitness is at over the shorter distances.

The month of January went well, it's a really busy time of year for me workwise being an Accountant. Only 2 days off from the 3rd - 31st January. The work all got done and pleasingly so did the running.

- 22 Runs
- 163.5 miles (record high mileage month)
- 18.01 miles (longest run of any kind since April 2015, longest training run since October 2010)
- 2 races (1 new parkrun, Basildon, 1 15 mile X-Country)

All very pleasing, a long run or two short of perfect. Outside of the 18 and 15 milers my next best efforts were two 10 milers. But another month ticked off and my streak of running 5 times a week marches on.

Still looking for donations and another £60 was donated after I ran the Benfleet 15 with my hand in a splint and that was really pleasing. There are rumours of a potentially huge donation, and that would be incredible. All donations great or small though are massively appreciated. Here is the link if you feel so inclined.
