Sunday, 20 June 2010

Week 9 Training & Bristol Long Run 1/8

A pretty pleasing training week. Just running no cross training. I managed:

5 Runs - 26 Miles Total - 10.72 Mile Longest.

Due to the footy being on I missed a run or two early on in the week. But did two runs Saturday and so still managed a respectable 5 for the week. Not a huge mileage week but pretty solid.

I was very pleased with my first long run of the promised 8 before Bristol Half Marathon. Did 8 laps round the bridle track on Sunday morning and it went fairly well. Pace dropped a little after 5 laps but not drastically. Saw lots of early morning walkers and cyclists but thankfully no horses!

I have now run over 1000 miles since I started running in May 2009 and halfway through my long run on Sunday my 2010 mileage passed that of 2009. I am also well ahead of my target of 1000 miles in 2010. Let's just hope I stay injury free and pick up some more PB's in the second half of the year.

I would write about the World Cup and England's performances thus far, but the pain is just too fresh at the moment. Perhaps another day.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Week 8 Training

Not a great deal to tell this week after my comprehensive Southend HM race report. No bike, swimming or weights. But cast comes off tommorrow :-) Lets hope everything has healed correctly and I can start cross training.

This weeks running looked like this:
4 runs - 25 Miles Total - Longest Run 13.1 Mile Race

Aside from the race just did some short stuff to keep me ticking over. Had intended to do 5 runs but one fell out as I was abit busy. Hoping to do 30+ miles next week.

Southend Half Marathon Debrief

After the disappointment of the football on Saturday night I needed a good race and a PB. I got neither! I took it easy watching the footy and didn't hit the beer in the hopes that would leave me well prepared for the race the following morning. The diet of Chilli, Pizza and Pringles probably won't be found in too many running books on good pre race nutrition. They might be in there actually but under the heading "Things to avoid!"

So the race itself. We left the house about quarter to 9 leaving us plenty of time to go the 15 or so miles to the start in Shoebury. But sheer volume of traffic and a small entry into the carpark meant standstill a mile from the carpark. I elected to get out and walk I had about 40 minutes so time was no problem. Got to the start line about quarter to 10 for the race start of 10. But due to the traffic problems the start was delayed by 20 minutes. The loudspeaker system wasn't working so that didn't get communicated to me in the middle of the pack. All very frustrating! But just after 20 past 10 we were off!

The first mile was congested, the race is small only around 1500 runners but their are some tight corners early on and no timing pens so I had to work hard to get myself some free space and get into my stride. Went through the first mile in 7:15 or so well inside my 7:30 target. Eased off to conserve my energy once the crowds had thinned out a little and went through 2 miles in 15:00. But I think the first mile was a little short and the second a little long. We were now on to the seafront and I was running easy and feeling good saw Shelley at the Castle and everything was going to plan. Went through 5 miles about 30 seconds ahead of schedule but it was feeling harder than it should. Was still ahead of target pace through 6 miles but it was at the end of the first loop that the problems happened.

I started to get a stitch. I ran with it for awhile but it didn't pass and got worse. Had to walk for a minute or two and very quickly I had slipped past my target time and I wasn't pulling it back. I think I went through 7 miles about 2 minutes down on my target and so also behind my PB pace. The pace dropped to 8 minute miles or maybe a touch slower and it was all about getting to the finish. I think I made it to mile 12 before I had to walk again, but by then Great Bentley and Bath were both long gone and the next one was Cardiff and 1:50. I brought it home and finished in 1:45:40 and in 426th out of 1511. Over half an hour quicker than last year in my first ever half marathon but a way off my target.

The regularity with which I get stitches is becoming a problem. In my 6 Half Marathons it has only been at Great Bentley and Cardiff that I haven't needed to have a walking break. I think the main reason for the stitches and the poor performance yesterday is lack of long runs. I have now been running for over 13 months and in that time I have done just 5 training runs of 10 miles or longer they are as follows:

December 13th 2009 - 14.04 miles
February 14th 2010 - 10.01 miles
March 13th 2010 - 15.45 miles
March 26th 2010 - 20.01 miles
May 2nd 2010 - 10.10 miles

Whilst in that 13 months I have done 8 races of 10 miles or greater. 6 Half Marathons, 1 15 Mile Cross Country race and a Marathon. Now I write it down that is shocking preparation! I now have 12 weeks to get properly prepared for Bristol and I will do at least 8 runs of 10 miles or further. I really want to do myself justice and will be aiming for 1hour 35mins.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Southend HM Game Plan & Week 7 Training

So after the excitement and happiness of my big 10k PB is the comedown, and I came down with an almighty bump this afternoon. Went out for a long run and made it to the meagre distance of 3 miles before I got a stitch and called it a day. Rather embarassing and frustrating!

All of this weeks runs have been hard work, maybe that 10k was more energy sapping than I had realised. I intend to have one more go at a long run tommorow morning and if that fails it will just be short runs before Sundays race.

Even with today's disappointment I still intend to attempt a PB at Southend. Plus points are the super flat course and the small field. The negatives are the potential for it to be roasting hot, the dull two lap course and the plaster cast on my arm that I didn't have for my HM PB at Great Bentley. The game plan is to go out at 7 mins 30 secs which would bring me home in 1 hr 38 mins 15 seconds and see if I can hold it to beat my PB of 1:39:32 I'd say chances are 50/50 for a PB but I won't die wondering.

So on to Week 6 Training:

Running - 24 Miles - 5 Runs - 6.25 Miles Longest Run
Includes 1 Race & 1 PB.

No other exercise. Just 9 days till cast is off and Bike, Swim, Weights will get underway and not a moment too soon!

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Week 6 Training & May Summary

Week 6 Training looked like this:

Running - 5 Runs - 21 Miles - Longest Run 4.5 Miles
Bike, Swim & Weights - Nothing.

Was another below par training week. Did well to get out 5 days out of 7 but never for very long. I knew the 10K race was coming up on Monday so didn't want to push it, but still felt I should have done some longer stuff. With the cast still on running was the only exercise that I could do. It's starting to hum under the cast, but it's only two weeks till it comes off. Can't wait!

So to the month of May. It's a strange one, I have run 105 miles this month my 3rd best training volume month and run two PB's all this in the month after my first marathon. I should be ecstatic but I'm not. I'm very pleased with the two PB's but the training volume should have been so much more. In the month I did 24 runs and the run distances looked like this:

Less than 3 miles - 3 Runs
3 - 4 Miles - 4 Runs
4 -5 Miles - 11 Runs
5-6 Miles - 3 Runs
10 Miles - 1 Run
5Km Race - 1 Run
10Km Race - 1 Run

So as you can see all very short run focused with my one long run of 10 miles done on the 2nd May. The short runs have probably left me fresh for my 2 PB's and there were a couple of good tempo runs in there. But I do have the Southend Half Marathon in under two weeks and I would love a PB there. I now have only one weekend to do something long to see where I am at and so have a 10 mile run planned for this weekend. After the Southend Half Marathon I am going to up the longer stuff with my next running race being Bristol at the start of September, giving me plenty of time to build up my endurance for my second go at the Marathon.

But in conclusion May was great, one solid new 5K PB and a massive new 10K so stop whining Simon!