Friday, 31 December 2010

2010 Review of the Year

Hi dedicated readers,

Sorry I've been so terrible with my blogging. One of my 2011 resolutions is to blog a training summary at the end of each month and I intend to stick to it. Other resolutions for 2011 are to run 1500 miles and cycle 3000 miles. Not sure I have too many non sporting resolutions. I did buy a Yoga and stretching book today, but i won't make any promises about how much I'll use it.

But this isn't a look forward to 2011 blog. That may come another day. Today is about a review of 2010. Outside of my exercise I have got married, and can now call Lauren my Wife :-) I have been to Iceland for a very alternative holiday. Been to Bali on Honeymoon and we seem to have had a really packed 2010. As important as all those events are this is a fitness blog and so 2010 has looked like this:

Races - 13 Races

5K - 2
10K - 2
10M - 1
Half Marathon - 5
15M - 1
Marathon - 2

9 PB's set in the year.

Current PB's

5K - 20:31 (22:07 - 2009)
10K - 43:36 (47:15 - 2009)
10M - 1:12:05
HM - 1:36:21 (1:50:58 - 2009)
15M - 2:18:55
MAR - 3:50:10

Training - 187 Runs

Less than 5 miles - 108 runs
5-10 Miles - 71 runs
10 -15 Miles - 5
Longer than 15 Miles - 3

Total - 200 Runs - 1070 Miles.

So a decent racing year. I raced 10 Miles, 15 Miles and Marathon for the first time. I set PB's at all distances. So definate progress being made. But I really need to push on in 2011 to stop me plateauing. As you can see from my training it is all very short and medium length runs.

I have raced at distances greater than 10 miles 8 times and I have only done 8 training runs greater than 10 miles. If I want to get my Marathon time anywhere close to in line with my other PB's I need to get plenty of long runs under my belt early in 2011. I think a 3hr 30min Marathon is a realistic goal for 2011 I will be racing at Stratford in May and intend to run another in the autumn.

I would also love a 1Hr 30min Half Marathon, which I will be targeting in Bristol in September. But I think this is a stretch target and may have to wait for 2012. PB's at 5K and 10K should come too but they aren't such high priorty.

I haven't just been running this year, and invested in a new Bike in April ready for LEJOG in 2011. I didn't set myself any particular targets and just wanted to get comfortable using the Bike and get some Bike fitness. On the Bike i managed 774 Miles in 93 rides. 90 of these related to me commuting to and from the office. With the 3 remaining rides being weekend rides of 20-25 miles.

The mileage will ramp up quickly in 2011 as we are hoping to do LEJOG at the end of July/ start of August. I've currently got all the gear and no idea, but am confident with the fitness I have from my running I will be able to transfer it over to the Bike pretty fast.

So in addition to getting some flexibility from my Yoga/stretching in 2011 I also want to use the new swimming gear I bought in July and am still to use! As you can see 2011 is set to be a busy year for me fitness wise, and I can't wait! Hope you all have a fantastic 2011!