Sunday, 18 November 2012


With the end of the year fast approaching, I felt compelled to take a slightly closer look at my training throughout 2012 and the findings were interesting. At least for numbers geeks like me. 2012 is now 46 weeks in and I decided to split my mileage weeks as follows:

0-9.99 miles - 17 times (37%)
10 - 19.99 - 15 times (33%)
20 -29.99 - 9 times (19%)
30 - 39.99 - 4 times (9%)
40 - 49.99 - 1 time (2%)

Also out of the 17 very low mileage weeks, 5 of them I ran a big fat zero miles and another 7 weeks I only ran once. So that’s a quarter of the time I am doing very little running, I'm reluctant to even call it training. Out of the 5 zeros there was a week off post Ultra and a week off post Ironman, which I am probably entitled to and with all the best will in the world wasn't in much of a state to run. But that still leaves a lot of weeks with not a lot of productive running being done.

At the other end of the scale, what I think should be my bare minimum weekly mileage is 20 miles and I have done this 14 times a little under a 3rd of the time. When you bear in mind that includes 2 Marathons, an Ultra and an iron distance triathlon that is only 10 weeks where I have trained 20 miles or more. Also 2 of these weeks have occurred in the last fortnight, so at least that is a positive current trend.

I missed my first Southend parkrun this weekend, but there are other things in life. I did manage to get out for a short run on Saturday anyway and then did another 10 mile plus run today. So I am doing ok in my bid to get some miles in the legs and some consistency to my training, hopefully this continues into 2013 and the serious business of racing. All being well I should hit 100 miles for November and then train well in December and hit 800 miles running for the year.

I will blog again near to the end of 2012 and will have a more in-depth look at those running numbers, perhaps looking back to 2011 as well to see where that went right, compared to 2012's very wrong. Happy running love Stato.