Sunday, 18 April 2010

Mixed Weekend!

On the whole a very pleasant weekend. Started off with a gorgeous fry up Saturday morning with Amy,Cole & Lauren, followed by Football watching at Walkabout. Late Scholes winner cue wild scenes of celebration. Quick trip home on the train just in time to see Spurs take the lead against Chelsea. Final score 2-1 Spurs and the stage is set for a spectacular tour de force performance by yours truely in the Marathon and a great weekend is complete.

But as you can see from the title it was not all plain sailing! The marathon is where it comes unstuck. A lovely sunny day, an almost flawless journey to Brighton, with a little detour arriving at the race at 8:15 for a 9 O'clock start. Quick loo stop and then into my Pink start pen. Start was delayed by 10 mins but eventually got going, well the hooter went but no movement down at our end. Eventually got over the start line after about 5mins.

First mile was slow going with the crowds, went through the first mile in 8:45. But after that got into my rhythm and started to tick through the miles at 8:25 pace. Soon found out that my 'flat and fast' course as promised was infact really undulating. Was definately not needed to go with the ever increasing temperature!

Went through half way in 1:50:52 so 3:42 for the race lovely! Feeling fresh, saw Lauren for the first time and managed a smile and a wave. Sun is out, worst of the hills are over and everything is right with the world. Take a few jelly beans on board along with plenty of powerade and water. Go through 18 miles still on track for sub 3hrs 45mins. But then with the 19 mile marker in sight, my Quads burn, really burn! I'm not sure why, but I'll go with a lack of hill work and the long training runs being in short supply.

Just checked my training log. My five longest runs in 2010 were:

1) 20 Mile Training Run

2) 15 1/2 Mile Training Run

3) 15 Mile XC Race

4) Half Marathon Race

5) Half Marathon Race

Doesn't shout fully prepared! Won't make the same mistake next time. But O how i paid for my lack of quality preparation over those next 7 miles! Walking, running, shuffling my way round. 3 hours 45 Mins soon faded into the distance and sub 4hours became the goal. But even this proved unachievable and so I turned off my watch with a Km to go, no need to depress myself further!

Offical time was 4:02:26 not what I wanted but no more than my preparation deserved. Having slept on it last night, feel much better about the whole thing. The marathon really is a long way and I am so pleased I have completed one. Will come back stronger next time and 4 hours is going to be smashed!

Sorry my second blog couldn't be cheerier I will make sure my next blog is a happy one. But the weekend did end on a high note. Got home to find that Arsenal had thrown away a 2 goal lead and lost 3-2 to Wigan. So a perfect Football weekend was complete!

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