Sunday, 17 July 2011

LEJOG Day 0 - Land's End to Marizon

Distance - 16.30 miles
Cycle time - 1hr 9 mins
Total time - 1hr 16 mins.
Average speed - 14.1 mph
Top speed - 34.2 mph

An eye opening first leg of our LEJOG journey. After a gentle first few miles out of Land's End we were faced with our first look at the infamous hills of Cornwall and it didn't disappoint!

After the rapid descent down into the basin, it should have been apparant that a steep incline awaited on the other side. I however took the hill in a high gear and attacked it, going to the head of the group, but as the hill steepened i tried to change down gear only to be met with a big clunk! I was worried the chain had come off but fortunately it clung on. Luke and Pete went past and I managed to get back some rythm and made it to the top of Cornwall's first climb, breathless but satisfied with my efforts.

The group bunched back up again before we enjoyed another rapid descent.nothing matched that first hill but there were still 2 or 3 significant hills as we continued on our way to Marizon.

Our first 7.5 mile stop of LEJOG was enforced as we slammed on our brakes when we were met by a herd of cows. Unfortunately I wasn't a fast enough snapper, so only got a picture of them once they had crossed the road and were safely penned.

Once we had safely negiotiated the cow crossing we carried on towards Penzance. A few more miles and a few more hills later we arrived in Penzance, it was here we had a small navigational error and ended up on the busy A30 to Marizon rather than the quiet B road through Long Rock. A few fast and frantic miles ensued before we got off the A30, it was here that the support car caught us up. Cue some action snaps before we arrived safely at the very pleasant b&b of St Michaels in Marizon.16 miles completed an hour and a quarter after leaving Land's End. The tough stuff starts tommorrow!

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