Sunday, 20 May 2012

Week 12 of 18 - Clean Slate

Well after the running every day in May pattern got broken last week I got out of the running habit. My week looked like this:

Monday - Can't remember, no excuses for not running.
Tuesday - Physio with Brian after work.
Wednesday - Mum's Bday and watched Southend Utd at Roots Hall.
Thursday - Driving Lesson after work.
Friday - Worked till 8pm.
Saturday - Trip to London, Footy and friend's Bday Do.
Sunday - Work, Dinner out but did run 3 miles at 7:10 min/miling.

In exercise related admin work, I did manage to have a good go at washing my bike and chain which took about half an hour and I was almost tempted to add it to my fetch training log, so loath am I to do it.

I also had an hour's physio with Brian on my tight calves and IT Band but I'm not sure the problem has completely gone away although it has definitely loosened everything up. O and I also cancelled my gym membership and stopped myself bleeding £58 quid a month!

These blogs aren't so much blogs as excuses for being a lazy git so this week was pretty full on life wise but not so much exercise wise. I did also manage 3.5 commutes to work on the bike but it's still not a whole lot. So the slate is being wiped clean, tomorrow is a new day, fresh start add any other clichés you fancy. But this is what WILL happen in the remaining 6 weeks up to the Outlaw:

- I will run the Edinburgh Marathon
- I will run the Southend Half Marathon
- I will swim the 2.4 miles in a pool before May is over.
- I will swim at least once in open water
- I will cycle the 112 mile cycle distance over the Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend.
- I will spend an afternoon in the garage alone or with my Dad repeatedly changing the inner tubes on my tyres.

Speaking of which I will order some more inner tubes because I think I'm running pretty low.That's all the assurances I am making, I'm sure I've missed something pretty key but it will have to do.

So here is my week in numbers:
Swim - Zero
Bike - 7 commutes (42 miles)
Run - Once (3 miles)

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